Monday, April 10, 2017

one year later

sooooo.... this is exciting! i finally decided to get back to blogging again! what inspired me to do so was a series on netflix that i watched. besides, i need somewhere to express whats on my mind (when i have the time) which is nothing major, really. i have been employed at arlington public schools as an extended day assistant supervisor. crazy that i am supervising adults who are twice my age so adjusting to that is a challenge. working with children that are predominantly white is another experience within itself, too. especially since i have only worked with predominantly black schools for the last 10 years.

life with my husband has been blissfully great! no problems there. if anything, we continue to grow together each day and to know that we constantly support each other in our endeavors strengthens us daily too. <3

family-wise. i have the most AWESOME niece in the whole entire world. she is the newest addition to our family. she turned three last month and she's so smart! she can make the entire room go "aww" in a heartbeat, which she has done many times. her mom (my sister), has recently graduated from the police academy. words cannot explain how proud i am to see my little sister give her speech to represent her class.

my mom - i wish we were closer but i'll save that for a whole 'nother post.

my grandparents and my dad - one of my major support system as well. granddad is sick with throat cancer but i am able to grasp a dose of wisdom from him every now and then. my grandmother sometimes gets overwhelmed with having to support my granddad and my dad, who is wheelchair bound. she is the only one who is working to support the both of them to keep a roof over their heads. i wish at times i could help them at but we, too, are struggling ourselves. yep, christmas and our trip to florida for my sisters graduation from the academy definitely did us in. nonetheless, we are slowly picking up the pieces.

there's so much to say but that's the gist of it. until next time!

- L.

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