the last two weeks that i been thru was hell! all bad things were happening across the board. but in the midst of my wonderful day today i found out some awesome information! my financial aid finally came through, i will be changing my major to child and adolescent studies so i can hurry up and graduate, i feel confident than ever of buying my new car tomorrow from all that car shopping, i get paid on wednesday, i am glad that i have a clearer vision on what type of friends that i am looking for and who i choose to keep around me, and i realized that i don't mind being the "outcast" because i feel proud that i don't have to mimic what other people do in order to fit in. [and there's a whole lot more of where those last two that i mentioned came from]. i feel like instead of folks "feeling sorry for me" when they see me not associating with everybody, they need to be worried about if people are doing the same to them. #imjustsaying but in all seriousness, i like giving people the cold shoulder and shying away from others for one reason only, i don't like fake people up in my face. but see, folk tend to treat the situation like nothing happened and that don't sit well with me. all in all, what i am sayin is, i refuse to let people steal my joy and best believe that what happened, let that be the last time that happen again.
#backtoregularlyscheduledprogramming: CAR SHOPPING TOMORROW WITH THE BOOSKI!!
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