Sunday, July 24, 2011

late night thoughts + random photo

random photo [taken a while back doing laundry with the hubby]
i really need to be asleep for real. buuuuuuuuuuuut i'm about to go to sleep. i vowed to start going to church on time from now on. usually i would go only to listen to the Word because i'm not interested in the other stuff like praise and worship. is it bad that i consider myself a private praiser? meaning, i like to sing and worship in my car on my way to and from church. i don't know .... also i honestly don't like when the pastor says "tell 2 or 3 people this and that.", "turn to your neighbor and say ...." i know that its just to get the church body to interact with each other and to create a family oriented environment but i don't like people touching/hugging on me and i don't like talking to people i don't know. i just joined the church in january but i'm like that with just about everybody i come across for real. "I DON'T KNOW YOU". lol... maybe i gotta change that because i think it turns a lot of potential friendships away. if it were a situation where i am working on a project or having a group discussion with people, i'd be more willing to talk because i'm great on taking initiative, giving ideas, and creative thoughts only because that's just the leader in me but i feel comfortable just being by myself if i'm in a room with a room full of people that i don't know. ALSO church service is early to me, i'd probably be a lot more alert if it were a little later and then maybe i will seem more approachable and willing to interact with others. i mean, who knows.... God knows how i feels about him and thats all that matters.

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